Industrial pest control services in Lagos
Manufacturing plants are an essential part of the industrial sector and when plagued with pests it causes serious concern in the industry. Major issues faced by manufacturing units are breakdowns leading to loss in productivity, loss in working hours, damage of product or raw material, etc. A mosquito menace can make life difficult for employees and the spread of diseases like malaria can seriously hinder productivity, as can the contamination of food and food products in the canteen.
With its extensive understanding of the industrial environment, we provides high quality pest control services that solve and prevent pest issues. Having studied the industry closely, we have equipped ourselves with various tools, technologies and an expert team to manage pests in the highly demanding environments of industrial premises.
Efficient pest control
In busy production and manufacturing areas, there is a continual movement of people, products and without a doubt, pests too. Pests are high risk threats in the industrial premises and its supply chain, similar to those in the food related industries. Besides damaging your inventories in various ways, pest also poses health and safety hazards to your employees which can affect performance, disrupt operations and eventually lead to revenue loss.
Our team of professionals, intensively trained to work efficiently, applies our solutions with the kind of accuracy and effectiveness you won’t find with other pest control companies.
Efficient pest management
Rodents are a big problem in all the storage areas and warehouses. They destroy the stored material and cause heavy damage to the property. CitiDesk Pest Control has special rodent protection programs for industrial units.
We service warehouses, storage areas and other industrial units at very affordable rates.
Rodents, birds and small pests
Small mammals and birds can do damage in your organization. Thanks to environmentally-friendly methods, CitiDesk will get rid of small pests. We do this in a variety of ways to get rid of rodents, birds and small pests.
We find the entry points for you and let you know so that you can block the different accesses of the pests and we create a plan to block access. We create a path through which pests will be forced out and through which they will no longer enter.